Use of VVG wire and its technical characteristics
How the VVG wire is arranged, the decoding of the name, varieties, additional properties and technical characteristics, scope.
How to connect a lamp through a switch from an outlet
We analyze in detail a common situation when an additional lamp must be connected from the outlet through a switch.
How to properly connect a bathroom fan to a switch
We analyze in detail the diagram of connecting the fan in the bathroom to the switch and consider the details of its installation with our own hands.
How to properly connect two bulbs to one switch
We are considering how to correctly connect two or more lamps to one single-key or two-key switch with our own hands.
How to connect an outlet to a switch
Detailed instructions on how to make an outlet from the switch with your own hands.
Technical characteristics and application of wire PUGNP
What is PUGNP wire, abbreviation decoding, where it is allowed and prohibited to use, technical characteristics and properties.
Technical characteristics of the PVS cable
When choosing a PVA cable, technical characteristics are not always put to the fore, since its main advantage is cost.
NYM Cable Specifications
NYM cable - technical specifications important for residential and industrial use. Varieties and applications of such a wire.
How to easily disassemble a light switch
How to quickly disassemble a light switch for inspection or repair or wallpapering without breaking it.
Cotton (acoustic) switch
We understand what a cotton switch is, how it works, in what cases it can be useful in a modern apartment and how it is ...

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